This website contains controversial material and should be critically considered.

My journals and notes about life, God, religion, secular humanism, philosophy and free thought.

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I was born in 1988 in Moscow, Russia. I currently reside in Vancouver, Canada. I am an undergraduate art student at the Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design on Granville Island in Vancouver. I am currently pursuing the Bachelor of Media Art program, majoring in Animation.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's a question of faith

When it comes down to the question, "Where does the the world come from," there are a lot of possible answers. None of them are really any more valuable than the other. Honestly, nobody knows. My answers has always been, "does it matter?" Does it really matter where it all came from? I think it's more important to know where we are going. And although I recognize the value in understanding history in order to predict the future, I don't recognize the value in the popular religious answer.

"God created the universe." My problem with that argument is of course, "Well where did God come from?" To that, the only response is that God has always existed. Well how come it's so easily to believe in God existing just like that, and not the universe existing just like that? Why is it okay for God to have no explanation for His own existence, but not for the universe?

Religion answers the question about the existence of the universe, but what about God? I understand that God is supposed to transcend this universe, but if He exists, one must ponder about where He comes from.

Religious people have a problem with the Big Bang theory because they wonder about where the material of the Big Bang came from. They say it came from God or else the theory is wrong or the Earth is a few thousand years old. So my question to you is, if it's okay for God to exist without question, why isn't it okay for matter to exist without question?

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Blogger Alex Na said...

The value of the "God created everything" is recognizing that there should be something of very different nature than the universe, what or who created the universe we live in. If you believe in physics ;) you shoud see that there is no material explanation of the creating everything from nothing. Once we accept the idea that it should be something not matrial we shoud also accept all the consecutives of that. And keeping that in mind we can really start thinking of (you right) more important question of where are we all going.

March 26, 2007 at 10:41 AM  
Blogger Evgueni Naverniouk said...

But the question is why is it so easy to accept God (a non-material thing) coming into existence from nothing, but not the materials of the Big Bang (that could also have potentially been non-material)?

March 26, 2007 at 10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a proper answer to your question. It's like asking what comes after infinity. It's just a guess no matter who tells you. Is that an answer? Would you be happy if there was no answer? I'm a Christian and I believe in God, but I can't tell you where I was before I was born. I also can't tell you where I will go when I die. My faith is just "faith". I am sure that there is a God. I am also sure that the joy I have experienced in my life can be attributed to God. I am thankful for every day. I want to do what is right. The Bible talks many times about how difficult it is for someone who considers themselves wise to find God. I think it comes down to the whole pride issue. Am I able to admit that I have no clue what is going on here? I sincerely believe that anyone who can get over there own pride will be able to find God.

March 30, 2007 at 10:31 PM  
Blogger Evgueni Naverniouk said...

But what do you think about the notion of God's existence and our acceptance of it? Why do you think it's so easy for people to accept the fact that God just exists and the universe can't just exist?

Some people have attributed this to a materialistic thing, saying that God is supernatural and the universe isn't which means that someone had to create the universe. Which of course still isn't an answer to my question because it only raised the next logical question which is, "Why can a supernatural being exist without question?" or at least why is it so easily believable?

My question here is really more philosophical than religious.

March 30, 2007 at 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that the universe exists.
I believe that God exists.
I believe that I exist

I don't know where the universe came from.
I don't know where God came from.
I don't know where I came from.

I think categorizing people into Christians vs Non-Christians, Athiests vs Thiests is a mistake.

People are people. We are all the same.

March 30, 2007 at 10:57 PM  

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